Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Respond to Film Fitnah

What is the best Muslim repond to another propaganda/provoke like "Fitanah" after Muhammad cartoon?

Why some muslim react emotionally?

why Geert Wilders makes this Film?

I think the best way is to ignore it. because Its not important what Geert Wilders say, He knows nothing about Islam but the violance, war, conflict, bombing etc. I know Islam better than him.

but I should thankful to Geert Wilders because he open the world eyes toward Islam and Muslim, not Moslem (wrong spelling).

It is sad to see the muslim react emotionally and distracted office and buildings. if Muslim react emotioanlly means they are with Wilders, because he react negatively to Islam. in other way they are tired to see the provoke after Muhammad cartoon.

Wilders is extreme right wing parliamentarian from Netherlands. He made the film is to prove his film is true. but how can we as Muslim tell the truth.

we can see the FITNAH Film, and do a reflection on it. if the film is true, then how we put it right. but if the film is wrong, how we tell people what is the truth one and how to say it with Love.

wallahu a'lam

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