Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Asia Plateua Iofc India I am coming

I am coming..................India

I am Coming to India for Action For Life 4 (AFL), a leadership training Program with Initiatives of Change.
my first impression is, I like the venue where we are having a training, very friendly natural, beautiful garden and plateau.

so this is what I am observing for the first week in India

Asia Plateu Iofc India is huge Iofc centre where every time they have different trainings whether for Young people like AFL, Internship Program 6 months, professional Development program etc. here is very cold, clean, people with vision, commitment to be the change and we are living as a community. we serve the meals, wash up the plates after eating etc.

A week on AFL I felt like I really step out from my comfort zone and really be here with AFL that I should really care and give my self for AFL, learning, caring and sharing each other. Evey session is really helpful where we were asked to be ourselves. I find my self not confident with my English and fear of look stupid in public etc. but I just really aware that I came here is to develop my self better and to learn and follow what Allah guides me.

At first day I got cold and difficult with the spicy food, we only have once a week with chicken, everyday we are eating vegetables which are really health for my body. I hope I can lose my weight here ....hehaha.. in the afternoon we always have sport together VOLLEY BALL, which I start playing it. I start to enjoy this sport.

until next week

Huda at AFL in India