Sunday, January 11, 2009

My Journey with AFL4

New Delhi, December 2008.

Dear Friends,

I would like to share my story during the second outreach of Action For Life. We are 6 weeks away from Asia Plateau Panchagani. First week, We went to Dharamsala, where Tibetan in exile. We went there by 2 days in train. In Dahramshala, in the Himalayan foothills we were privileged to meet with student for free Tibet, we heard that they believe really confident to see the free Tibet through their movement of using non violence and inspired by his Holiness Dalailama. I am really touched by one Tibetan friend who accompanied us during a week visit. She mentioned what means to be Tibetan now? What is my vision for Tibet, instead of blaming and complaining others she is grateful for she has now and be a spiritual gift for the world even tough Tibet as a country is not exist.

The following day we had met with Prof.Samdhong Rinpoche, the ‘Prime Minister in exile who told us that non –violence cooperation is the only way. His warmth and listening to us are really amazing and touched us. we also met with His Holiness Karmapa, 21 year old leader after His Holiness Dalai Lama.

We had chance to meet and interact with students in a Tibetan Children Village and the ‘Transit School’, young people like us who had walked out of Tibet, over for 20 days through the Himalayas, to get better education in India. For me its really hard effort to do, their vision to improve their quality life and see the brighter future, India has generosity for the refugees and help them to live with their culture and spirituality.

From Dharamshala we moved by bus to Risikesh and Haridwar, holy Hindu cities on the Ganges. After joining the ‘Aarti’ prayers of devotion at sundown, we met Swami Chidanand Saraswati who told us, ‘God is one but He loves diversity.’ As a Muslim I was really touched by him and what he is doing to teach children and bring them to get better education and help people after tsunami and Flood. He also cares to poor woman and builds health centre for the villagers. He is really reminding me that whatever your religion the importance is how we care for Humanity needs and the best of people in front of God are who really mindful of God and be meaningful to others.

In Haridwar we were hosted in Himalayan Hospital Institute, founded by Swami Rama, his vision of integrated between science and spirituality for people around Himalayan. He built a hospital, nurse and medical institute and Rural Development institute, we had chance to visit the village under Himalayan foot hill, which they supported for water sanitation and education program for the village. We traveled by car for 5 hours and walk to the village for 6 hours. We felt so exhausted but we felt so impressed and touched how Swami Rama put the vision for the village, The people in the village can’t visit the hospital but we should visit them. We also met with the Villagers and listen to their story, the children should walk a way for school every day and the women have to bring the grass on their head for caws.

The following week we moved to New Delhi, the capital city of India. I found its really cold as a winter season.

I am staying with other 2 friends in the centre of Won Buddhism who originally from Korea and lead by Mother Park whom I met last 4 years a go in APYC Cambodia. Every morning we have a very good breakfast and laugh with 2 Korean nan who serve us with Korean Food.

Here we have chance to meet people from IC-Centre For Governance, who are mainly retired government officers and still want to use their time for good governance. I met Mr.Prabat Kumar, the former cabinet secretary of India government, he is the chair person of Ic centre for Governance, event I didn’t talk to him much but I can see his aura of leadership and the way he listened and cared to us are really touched me. We also met Viral Mazumdar, who organized the annual youth camp in Panchgani, I met him in 2005 in Kenya. He is really brilliant in diamond business and still committed to train young Indian future leader. I am inspired by his conviction and vision to run the annual youth camp with the clear message to bring young people finding their strength and their purpose of life.

I also had chance to meet Adi Matur, senior MRA India who met Soekarno when he was a student Leader of New Delhi University. In his age of 24 he met MRA and Frank Buchman and committed to work with MRA and sacrificed his ambitions on Political carrier. Listening to his story, my blood and spirit raised up to live my life meaningfully. His energy and care to us were really touching us, I felt like in real meeting with Franc Buchman, his experience working for MRA is real example and really inspired me to continue that I can be part of the hope and answer for this world.

Besides meeting with other people I also learn to renew my life, I am used to reading a book before sleeping, I read “Monk Who Sold his Ferrari”. I found its interesting, it reminded me to master my mind, body, and soul. Another point that really struck me is how to find my inner strength everyday by looking at myself leadership; I am in charge of my life, I am the boss of myself. Second is Personal Responsibility; nobody can hurt me, my life is in my hand. Third, Spiritual enlightened, I should surrender my life to God, only to him I ask help. I want to keep reading to fulfill my mind, and soul.

I wish you happy Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2009.



Friday, November 14, 2008

My Identity; me and the world

My Identity; me and world

I grew up in a Muslim culture and tradition of Java, the largest and dominant politically ethnic group in Indonesia. My parents and all family are Muslim and Javanese. My parents brought me with strong Islam and Java culture. I didn’t see any problem with this identity. I saw my father was cooperating business with Christian Chinese who lived near my house. They both respect and trust each other, even the Chinese trust my Father like a family. So this story is really giving me strength how to live together with other people who are different from me.

My point of view of seeing the diversity of my country are up and down, in one said I believed it is a strengths to build the better of Indonesia as what my founding fathers did to fight for freedom from three and half centuries of Dutch colonization but another side there were still some sectarian tension, separatism and recently the tension between Muslim-Muslim and Muslim – Christian conflict.

Then what makes me proud to be Indonesian? I never think these question seriously, it was in the first year of my University when the team of Action For Life 1, a leadership development program to engage young people to bring a message that everyone can make a different starting from their own life and had a seminar, I was told to mention about the positive things about my country, I had said that “it is reach of natural resources but poor people, largest Muslim population but we had conflict and social tension as well as the corruption. So I found it’s hard to be proud and positive to be Indonesian. Even I realized that being a Muslim by birth I was taught that I need to care to my country as its part of Islamic faith, but what I could do, as a just young student. Then at the seminar I remembered the song “It’s Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness”. I start thinking what I could do for my country. I thought that I need to reflect what mean to be Muslim and Indonesian? How I could be a good Muslim as well as a good citizen, I found that Quran said that Allah creates all human kind of man and woman, different ethnic, tribe and nation are to understand each other and the best people of us are who are mindful of Allah. This verse gives me point of view that we are all different to look at the same direction to build a good nation of Indonesia, then I found that I should take responsibility to take action and thinking of not what you can get but what you can give to your country. Trough Initiatives of Change I learn to see change in myself as well as in the world. In the Quran it said that Allah will not change the fate of nation until they commit to changing their own.

Living as Muslim and Indonesian as the largest Muslim population in the world (90% of 230 million population) and with the fact that my country has religious pluralism, my country Indonesia can offer a HOPE and PEACE for the world through friendly Muslim and good cooperation with other religion and culture. Islam and Muslim now becomes big issue around the world, in some part there are still conflict, bombings, Islam phobia, mistrust, misunderstanding and poverty. For me Islam means a peace. The Muslim greeting in all part of the world is:”Peace be upon you, and the mercy of Allah and His blessings. And Islam has the norm and teaching about the universal values that can be applied in this modern era; peace (salam), Justice, freedom, moderation, tolerance, balance, consultation, equity, as a fundamental of human dignity. These norm and Islamic teachings are the values and followed by majority Indonesian Muslim of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and Muhamadiyah, the 2 big Largest Muslim Organization in the world, as we are best known as a moderate one. Indonesia has important role to play to create a culture of peace and conflict resolution as well as to respond social issues within the country, and in South East Asia as well as to the world. It can only happen through better me and how I can take continues efforts to bring real Islam as a blessings for all the universe and to reform and transform the physiological barriers and dilemma from ethical doubts to ethical faith through revisionary action (amal salih).

Miftahul Huda (Indonesia, participant of Action For Life4, graduated student from State Islamic University Jakarta, working with Initiatives of Change Indonesia to build trust among young people to live in peace and harmony and bring positive energy and be part of culture of peace. He is also associated with Nahdlatul Ulama Students Association Jakarta, and very passionate about how young people can make a different and really committed to be the change makers, equipped with faith and integrity. He is also a team member of International Youth Forum and Asia Pacific Youth Conference).

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Asia Plateua Iofc India I am coming

I am coming..................India

I am Coming to India for Action For Life 4 (AFL), a leadership training Program with Initiatives of Change.
my first impression is, I like the venue where we are having a training, very friendly natural, beautiful garden and plateau.

so this is what I am observing for the first week in India

Asia Plateu Iofc India is huge Iofc centre where every time they have different trainings whether for Young people like AFL, Internship Program 6 months, professional Development program etc. here is very cold, clean, people with vision, commitment to be the change and we are living as a community. we serve the meals, wash up the plates after eating etc.

A week on AFL I felt like I really step out from my comfort zone and really be here with AFL that I should really care and give my self for AFL, learning, caring and sharing each other. Evey session is really helpful where we were asked to be ourselves. I find my self not confident with my English and fear of look stupid in public etc. but I just really aware that I came here is to develop my self better and to learn and follow what Allah guides me.

At first day I got cold and difficult with the spicy food, we only have once a week with chicken, everyday we are eating vegetables which are really health for my body. I hope I can lose my weight here ....hehaha.. in the afternoon we always have sport together VOLLEY BALL, which I start playing it. I start to enjoy this sport.

until next week

Huda at AFL in India

Monday, September 29, 2008

Visa India

India.....aku datang.....
sebelumnya aku pikir datang ke India akan rumit dan sulit, tapi ternyata wahh...gampang banget...walaupun kantor kedutaan India keliatan dari luar serem dan ketat penjagaan, tapi begitu kita bisa meyakinkan penjaga dan membawa berkas-berkas yang dibutuhkan gampang banget.

2 tahun yang lalu 2 temen apply visa ke India untuk 6 bulan tourist, tapi mereka mendapat kesulitan dan setelah 2 bulan mereka baru dapat visa dan itupun cuma satu bulan. alhamdulillah dengan semangat untuk datang dan belajar di India aplikasi visa untuk 6 bulan diterima. cuma dengan membawa passport, pas Foto, surat rekomendasi dari organisasi dan surat dari lembaga di India dan alamat kontak India serta membayar 964.000 IDR setelah hari ini apply keesokan harinya langsung jadi itu Visa. mau coba...!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

International Youth Forum

Initiatives Of Change Indonesia in cooperation with PSAP (Pusat Study Agama dan Peradaban) will welcome 200 young people from different countries to talk on the "Role Of Youth to take action on MDG's towrad peaceful word.

The launch of conference will be held in Merdeka building Asia Afrika. it will be done on 23-30 June 2008.

The Conference includes the seminar, workshop, cultural performances, planting tress, and social activity in Garut.

Mr.Adhyaksa Dault, The Minister of Youth and Sport of RI will be key note speaker in opening ceremony.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Chage Starts with me

This word is is very inspiring me.
it leads me to look within my self rather than blaming others
its like a mirror before taking any action

it makes me feel good inside and outside
I feel peace within my self